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Missions Supported by The Gurley Church of Christ

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Demar Elam, liaison, teacher, and good man, along with Dixie,  his bride, and his beautiful son, John, has been visiting Gurley Church of Christ for years, keeping us connected and advised on the mission to create preachers and churches through-out the Philippines,  and essentially, as time passes & the Lord allows, through-out Asia. In 2006 the Philippines Theological College was created, which has now was expanded, in year 2015, to become Asian Christian University (ACU) which began offering the Master of Divinity as well as the Doctor of Ministry degrees.  In March, of 2016, Demar wrote of the dream in progress, and a bit of the history of the process God has allowed, in The Caroina Messenger issue of March 2016.  It follows in the below text box.

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As of 2020 many of the

dreams in the article by Demar Elam are coming to fruition.  For current information on the Asian Christian University, which the Gurley Church of Christ supports (along with other Church of Christ congregations), please click here for their facebook page:

Training Locals in Mission Work, by Demar Elam,

March / April 2016 from the Carolina Messenger.


Many wonderful leaders in the Church have made the mistake of bringing young men from other countries to the U.S. for Bible training. The goal of this approach is to prepare the men trained in the states to return to their native country in order to teach and to evangelize. Often, however, this plan does not work. The plan may sound like a good idea, but, in the long run, it is not at all a good idea. This missionary wishes the church to know the importance of training locals in mission work in their own homeland. The term “locals” will be used in this article to refer to Christians in foreign lands who have been converted in a mission area of the world outside of the U.S. The number one reason for training locals in their native land is because of the effects the American lifestyle has upon foreigners.


Once foreigners come to the U.S., most of them are not happy once they return to their native country. This observation is especially true if they come from a third world country. For many people around the world, the U.S. is the “promised land.”  Unless an individual has spent time in some of these third world countries, he or she cannot really comprehend the vast difference between the lifestyle of those in the U.S. and other countries around the world.  Often, the men trained in the U.S. that go back to their own country usually find a way to come back to the U.S. as quickly as possible. Thus, by bringing them to the U.S. to be educated, American Christians are in effect robbing the mission fields of their most talented and capable leaders. Some have coined the phrase “brain drain” to identify what American Christians have been doing to deplete the mission fields of their best leaders. Instead of the “cream of the crop” working in their home countries—where they are so desperately needed—they wind up working in the U.S. Frankly, the U.S. already has an abundance of talented, dedicated, and zealous Christians to accomplish the work at home.


In truth, many of the men who have been brought to the U.S. to be educated have had every intention of returning to their homeland to work. Undoubtedly, they are good men. However, after four years of being assimilated into the American way of life, they most often change their minds and decide not to go back home. Statistics prove this observation to be true. Admittedly, there may be some who are reading this article that know of a situation where the missionary family did return to their homeland.  Most likely, however, that situation would be the exception and not the rule. Even in those cases, an individual would probably discover that over time that family returned to the U.S. through the contacts they made while living in the U.S. during the four years. Unfortunately, those coming from foreign lands allow themselves to become incapable of ever being happy while living in their homeland. For them, the daily comforts of living in the U.S. are unimaginable in their country. They have experienced love and hospitality from so many Christians in the U.S. They have benefited from good medical care, police protection, excellent transportation, elders to guide them, and fellowship in American churches. They have had material blessings in abundance they have never had in their native country.  If they do decide to go back home, they expect an American salary which would result in them living considerably above the locals in their homeland. Unfortunately, this situation often results in jealousy, friction, and strife within the mission congregations.


The way to avoid this outcome is to train locals in newly established congregations in their native land. Bringing foreigners to the U.S. to educate them in the word of God is not the answer. It is far better to develop preacher training schools, colleges, and universities in their own lands so that they can receive the education that they need without leaving their native environment.


This missionary believes that the key to worldwide conquest for Christ is: New congregations, new congregations, and new congregations! God is the great door opener (Rev. 3:8; 2 Cor. 2:12; Col. 4:3). It is best for a missionary to go into an area like the apostle Paul, baptize individuals into Christ, establish a new congregation made up of those who have been baptized, and teach them what they need to know about the organization and worship of the church. The newly converted Christians should be the ones leading the singing, the prayers, and the Lord’s Table. Locals should be taught how to carry on without an American missionary holding their hand or doing it for them.  Locals should be taught to give financially to support their own congregational works. After all, Paul taught locals and left them to carry on without his presence. He established indigenous congregations. He left them but he did not abandon them. Instead, he and Barnabas revisited them in order to comfort, strengthen, and edify them. Paul’s methodology worked in his day and it is working around the world today. It works in third world countries as well as in the highly developed and industrialized nations of the world. Paul’s pattern of evangelism works in all cultures!


The challenge for American Christians deals with educating locals in newly established congregations in other nations.  In 2006, Philippine Theological College (PTC) was established in Salomague Sur, Bugallon, Pangasinan Philippines to specifically train young men to be preachers. In January of 2015, PTC became Asian Christian University (ACU) and began offering the Master of Divinity as well as the Doctor of Ministry degrees. Currently, ACU is seeking accreditation.  Lord-willing, it will become a fully accredited University in 2016. At the March 2015 commencement exercises, 19 faithful, dedicated, and well-trained men graduated with their degrees in Theology. These men, along with five other graduated classes, are already preaching in the Philippines. Additionally, they are prepared for the great day of evangelism that will occur when God opens the door to China.


The dream, goal, and vision of ACU is to have hundreds of well-trained, educated, and effective minsters of the Gospel (Philippine missionaries) to cross the South China Sea in order to go throughout China to preach and teach Christ. Ultimately, they will establish new congregations, new congregations, and new congregations! These same missionaries are being taught Mandarin Chinese in order to properly prepare them for the time when this amazing avenue of evangelism opens. However, as has already been established, these young men would have been lost to this great opportunity if they had been sent to the U.S. for their Bible education.

Historically, churches of Christ have not done so well in planning for evangelistic opportunities and fully executing the plan. Sometimes, men are motivated, educated, trained, and prepared to do the work of Christ, but failure occurs when these same men are not activated. The locals in the Philippines that are trained in their homeland, by contrast, will be able to continue a lifestyle that will not hinder them in their service to their native land as well as, one day, to China.  Likewise, wise decisions must be made that will advance the cause of Christ throughout the world. Therefore, it is this missionary’s sincere belief that it is only logical and prudent to educate and train locals in their homeland.

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Pioneer Bible Translators


 Overview  Founded in 1976

Enabling people to hear and read God's Word in their own language is an essential part of discipleship. We translate the Bible into languages which do not have it yet.

Pioneer Bible Translators® bridges the gap between the church and the Bibleless peoples around the world. Our team is composed of Bible translators, literacy evangelists, church planters and a variety of support personnel working to see transformed lives through God’s Word in every language. We are serving 43 million people in 92 language projects in 18 countries.

We are seeking new missionaries who will step up and meet the need for incarnational ministry among Bibleless peoples. Pioneer Bible Translators currently sends missionaries from Canada and the United States. Our International Service Center, located in Dallas, TX, is crucial in attaining our global ministry goals. From here, missionaries train and prepare for cross-cultural ministry.


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Click the box to the right for superb video: Without the word of God
Hospital Ministry
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Volunteers at The Church hand-make bags to take to those who have been hospitalized, with basic care items, books, magazines, toothpaste, notebooks, puzzles, combs, etcetra for their use. 
At Christmas time hand made dolls and other items are given to Hospitalized Children at the Women and Children's Hospital in Huntsville. 
We also take snacks and water to the Women and Children's Hospital, from time to time, for families and staff. 
Gospel Broadcasting Network,  a gospel communications mission, is also given support by the Gurley Church.  GBN offers Radio, Blogs, Newsletters, Devotionals, Bible correspondence courses and more. 
Click on above blue letters
for their website

In Search of the Lord's way, a television program, is also given support by Gurley.  It is under the direction of the Elders of the Edmond Church of Christ, Edmond, Oklahoma.

Click above
And... we support....
Click Below for website.
The Gospel of Christ, started on June 16, 1996,  (TGOC) is an evangelistic effort overseen by the elders of the Red Hill church of Christ in Manchester, Tennessee. Their work is fully supported worldwide by congregations as well as  individual members of the churches of Christ. The goal is to take the whole gospel to the whole world. It is not their motto, it's our mission!  Their offerings include a tv program, a radio broadcast, a website, free media, including DVDs, CDs, PDFs, streaming content, and Spanish media and TRANSCRIPTS & QUESTIONS.    All their lessons are available in transcript form and also include Bible study, questions that can easily double as correspondence courses.  They also have CLASS CURRICULA.  (TGOC) provides free class curricula to congregations and individuals as well as ARTICLES & STUDY GUIDES with articles provided for personal study, bulletins, evangelism, etc. Finally they have a NEWSLETTER as well.  The newsletter goes out every month and provides Bible article, stats pertaining to our program, and news about their TV program and lessons.
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